How Conversational AI in Ecommerce Enhance Customer Experience

Conversational AI chatbots are a new type of software that can interact with people through human-like conversations. Conversational AI is a growing trend in eCommerce, where it recommends products to customers based on their previous searches (browsing history) and behavioural pattern. It can also automate tasks such as order tracking, cancellation requests and refunds. This way, businesses can focus on more critical tasks like resolving escalated issues and plans to take their business forward.

Why is it so important to focus on customer experience? The statistics related to bad customer experiences are not at all encouraging.

Customer experience is the top priority for businesses. It’s also one of the essential factors in the success of a business, as well as its growth. According to an Accenture survey, customer satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of long-term financial performance and brand loyalty, with 80% of consumers saying that they would be more likely to buy from you again if your website or mobile app provided them with better customer service.

The importance of good customer service is crucial: it’s at least as necessary, if not more so than any other aspect of running an eCommerce company because customers need it every day—and most times when they need it most (when making purchases) are during moments when companies aren’t expecting them!

Does that mean conversational AI chatbots are the solution to enhancing customer experience?

Unfortunately, the idea that conversational AI chatbots are the solution to enhancing customer experience is a fallacy. Customer experience is a holistic process that involves many aspects of the business and the customer, including product knowledge and understanding, social media engagement, and loyalty programs. A chatbot can only do so much in this area; it cannot replace all those other factors that contribute to creating an overall positive relationship between businesses and their customers.

What is Conversational AI in Ecommerce?

Conversational AI enables you to interact with software more naturally using voice or text. Conversational AI focuses on implementing tools that can naturally communicate with customers like an actual human.

The most common implementations of Conversational AI in E-commerce include:

  • Chatbots, which are chatbots that mimic human conversation (although they may not understand what you’re saying)
  • Voice assistants such as Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri and Cortana.

How does a Conversation AI Chatbot for Ecommerce help businesses?

ECommerce enterprises can use AI-based bots like chatbots and voice bots to automate and manage daily operations such as order tracking, order cancellation requests, and refunds. In addition, using chatbots helps provide a personalised experience for customers. Customer care agents can also benefit from bots as they can be utilised for customer service purposes, such as answering questions about products or services offered by your organisation.

In addition, Chatbots are also being used for predictive maintenance so that you know when things need fixing before it becomes an issue with your customers or employees.

Chatbots for E-Commerce - Various use cases

Chatbots can be used to:

  • Personalise product recommendations based on historical data and behavioural data from the customers.
  • Automate and manage daily order operations such as order tracking, cancellation requests, and refunds.
  • Learn and reply to user queries such as product prices, availability, and shipping details which helps improve customer experience by reducing friction in the purchase process.

Hyper personalised products

Hyper Personalized Customer Experience in eCommerce product recommendations is a great way to enhance customer experience and delight them. With the help of conversational AI, you can personalise your products based on the customers’ historical and behavioural data.

For example, if a customer has ordered with you before, they could get more personalised recommendations on what they need. The same goes for browsing history or other activities done by your customers. This will help create a better shopping environment for all users purchasing items online or offline through various platforms like Amazon Alexa.

Manage operations

Businesses can depute chatbots to manage operations, automate tasks and help customers with trivial queries such as order tracking, cancellation requests, return processes and refunds.

Conversational AI chatbots allow you to interact with an artificial intelligence (AI) system using speech or text. The chatbot will then respond by performing specific tasks on your behalf. This way, businesses find it easier to manage their logistics workflow without having humans involved in the process at every step.

They can learn and reply to user queries such as product prices, availability, and shipping details. Ecommerce Chatbots can be implemented to answer simple questions such as product availability, pricing and shipping details.

They can also be used for complex queries such as product specifications, reviews and comparisons.

Checkout assistance

AI Chatbots for eCommerce can also assist users with the checkout process by guiding them through the cart after making their purchase decision.

  • Provide step-by-step instructions to checkout
  • Guide users through a shopping cart and ask if they want to continue adding items or cancel the order altogether.
  • After this, chatbots will ask you for product recommendations based on your previous purchases, providing suggestions based on what you have already bought and which products are most popular among customers.
  • They might even suggest alternative items that are similar but not exactly what you were looking for!

Automate customer queries

Reduce the cost of support by automating repetitive tasks, such as capturing complaints and handling standard queries, with a conversational commerce platform. Think of it as a self-service help desk that enables your customers to help themselves! This way, companies can focus on more important tasks, such as resolving escalated issues and handling critical situations requiring human intervention.

Customer support is the most crucial aspect of any business. But unfortunately, it’s a high cost for most companies and can be expensive to maintain and manage.

Conversational commerce allows you to automate order management by reducing repetitive tasks such as capturing complaints and handling standard queries with a conversational commerce platform. Think of it as a self-service help desk that enables your customers to help themselves! This way, companies can focus on more important tasks, such as resolving escalated issues and handling critical situations requiring human intervention

Summing up

Enterprise Conversational Commerce with Conversational AI is the next big thing in the e-commerce sector. It can enhance customer experience and create a unique shopping experience for every customer. AI-based ECommerce chatbots can enhance your customer experience and make your brand stand out among other brands by providing more value to them and making it easier for you to interact with them.

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